Women’s Wardrobe Styling Services
In-home Closet Review and Cleanse
Feeling overwhelmed by your current wardrobe situation? Questioning whether or not this or that works for you? Finding yourself navigating a new life stage (hello, menopause!)? Let’s define, refine, and ditch what’s past its prime, by identifying:
What you currently have available (by color, category, etc.)
What pieces look, fit, and feel best on you
What to keep
What to donate/recycle
What to alter
What to add
Shopping Guidance
Does the thought of shopping make you cringe, feel overwhelmed? Do you like shopping, but have too much of one thing and not enough of another? Is it all a mish-mash? Let’s create a plan to shop, before you drop!
Post-cleanse wardrobe assessment
Recommendations of key pieces, to fill in gaps and further enhance your wardrobe
In-person, online, or mobile shopping assistance
Outfit Creation
Want your clothing, shoes, and accessories to finally play nicely together? Packing for an upcoming trip, and don’t want to bring an excessive amount of luggage? Planning for a special event, or photography session? I’ve got you!
Post-cleanse and/or post-shopping outfit creation
Multiple combinations provided, for various types of activities and climate fluctuations
Photos taken for future reference
Hourly Fee
$110 (one-hour minimum; service area within 15 miles of Ballard, Seattle)